Hasselblad 203FE | Hasselblad SWC/M | Hasselblad 501CM
Hasselblad purchase - purchase of Hasselblad cameras and sell Carl Zeiss lenses
You want to sell a Hasselblad?
We offer appraisal and purchase of Hasselblad cameras and Zeiss lenses, as well as collections, rare individual items and high-quality equipment.
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You want to sell a Hasselblad? We offer appraisal and the purchase of Hasselblad cameras and Zeiss lenses, as well as collections, rare one-offs and high-quality equipment.
Hasselblad equipment requires a lot of information to be to determine the purchase value. Model and age, condition and function, type of accessories, all these factors clearly determine the price. This page provides information about this.
Für verschiedene Marken und Modelle finden Sie hier unseren Ankaufskalkulator.
Hasselblad analog film cameras were a sort of de facto standard for medium format cameras until the rise of digital photography in the 2000s. The high image resolution compared to 35mm film was used primarily in the fields of fashion photography, portrait photography, art and advertising.
World-renowned photographers such as Ansel Adams, Andreas Gursky and Karl Lagerfeld photograph(t )en with Hasselblad . The photos of the US astronauts of the Apollo program on the moon were taken with Hasselblad cameras.
A Hasselblad has always been a highly professional camera with a corresponding group of buyers and areas of application. And so the optical and technical requirements and quality standards for Hasselblad equipment were correspondingly high and still are today.
On the used market, Hasselblad cameras and Hasselblad Carl Zeiss lenses have reached a "certain" age - after decades of use and storage - often technical defects or at least anomalies. Hardened lubrication (oils) are common with Hasselblad cameras, as far as transport, winding and mirror impact are concerned. The lenses often show a defective, gummy shutter, the shutter times, especially the long times, no longer run completely and evenly. Hasselblad magazines usually require the light seals to be replaced and the film transport to be relubricated.
These abnormalities are age-related and therefore "normal", the good news is that mechanical Hasselblad cameras and lenses can be technically overhauled and repaired, there are suitable workshops and spare parts.
A Hasselblad is replaced by the technical overhaul is more valuable, but the effort is high and worthwhile, especially for optically very nice cameras, in order to bring them back into top technical condition. The optical, external condition is therefore clearly decisive for the price - when buying or selling - it forms the basis for the decision for the technical revision and repair.
1. Type designation / model and age
2. Hasselblad Carl Zeiss Lenses
Over the decades, the long-established German optics manufacturer Carl Zeiss produced the lenses in various designs for the Swedish Hasselblad cameras. From around 1974/75 onwards, so-called C lenses with Zeiss T * multi-layer coating were offered in order to achieve a higher-contrast image in backlight or sidelight. The T * is now printed on the lenses in red. Otherwise nothing will initially change in the construction of the 6-element lenses.
The lens housing of the later CF lenses will be redesigned and the CF lenses will have a modified design with 7 lenses, which have remained unchanged since then to be used in the later CFi and CFE lenses. A newly developed shutter from Zeiss Prontor is installed.
You can see the age of the Zeiss lenses on this page http://www.hasselbladhistorical.eu
3. Hasselblad Magazine
Hasselblad Magazines are available in different versions. The A magazines have a function in which the transport a automatically "stops" at frame number 1 when the film is inserted and transported for the first time.
Magazines are available as A12, A16, A24, A70 where the number describes the number of possible exposures and formats. With the Hasselblad A12 magazine, 12 exposures in 6x6cm format are exposed on a 120 roll film, with the A16 magazine there are 16 exposures in 6x4.5cm format. A (longer) 220 roll film fits into an A24 magazine and enables 24 exposures. In the case of the A70 magazine, individually made-up roll film ("yard goods") is inserted. Depending on the thickness of the film material (emulsion + carrier material), up to 12.8 meters of film can be used for up to 200 exposures in an A70 film magazine. Due to the main availability of roll films in 120 format today, the A24 and A70 film magazines in particular remain meaningless these days.
We would also be happy to buy your classic Hasselblad lenses and Zeiss lenses with central locking
- Hasselblad 500C
- Hasselblad 500CM
- Hasselblad 500 Classic
- Hasselblad 501CM
- Hasselblad 503CX
- Hasselblad 503CXi
- Hasselblad 503CW
- Hasselblad SW-C Super-Wide-Camera
- Hasselblad 903 SWC
- Hasselblad FlexBody
- Hasselblad ArcBody
- digital backs like z.B. Hasselblad CFV-39 and CFV-50
- DigiBacks for Hasselblad from PhaseOne
Hasselblad cameras of the 2 series V-series with focal plane shutter
- Hasselblad 205 TCC
- Hasselblad 205 FCC
Hasselblad accessories
- Hasselblad Prism Finder PME
- Hasselblad Acute Matte Finder Matte Glasses
- Hasselblad shaft finder and clip-on viewfinder
- Intermediate rings, adapters and converters
digital Hasselblad of the H-series with electronically controlled central shutter, autofocus and Fuji optics
- Hasselblad X1D-50c Body in silver
- Hasselblad X1D-50c Body in black
- Hasselblad XCD 30mm 3.5
- Hasselblad XCD 45mm 3.5
- Hasselblad XCD 65mm 2.8
- Hasselblad XCD 80mm 1.9
- Hasselblad XCD 90mm 3.2
- Hasselblad XCD 120mm 3.5
- Hasselblad XCD 135mm 2.8
digital Fuji medium format cameras
- Fuji GFX 50s
- Fuji GFX 50r
- Fuji GF 23mm 4.0 L RM WR
- Fuji GF 32-64mm 4.0 L RM WR
- Fuji GF 45mm 2.8 R WR
- Fuji GF 63mm 2.8 R WR
- Fuji GF 100-200mm 5.6 L RM OIS WR
- Fuji GF 110mm 2.0 L RM WR
- Fuji GF 120mm 4.0 L RM OIS WR
- Fuji GF 250mm 4.0 L RM OIS WR
We look forward to your offer and will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
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